UG CoachCafé januari 2021

So long 2020 and hello 2021. Do you want to kick start the new year with a boost to your career, then join the Young Alumni Network (YAN) CoachCafé of the University of Groningen.  

Why should I join?

If you want to have:

  • - New ideas about your future.
  • - A more focused viewpoint on your possibilities.
  • - Concrete actions for your next step.
  • - An expanded network with professionals and fellow alumni.


During the evening, you will talk to coaches and fellow young alumni in

So long 2020 and hello 2021. Do you want to kick start the new year with a boost to your career, then join the Young Alumni Network (YAN) CoachCafé of the University of Groningen.  

Why should I join?

If you want to have:

  • - New ideas about your future.
  • - A more focused viewpoint on your possibilities.
  • - Concrete actions for your next step.
  • - An expanded network with professionals and fellow alumni.


During the evening, you will talk to coaches and fellow young alumni in

Login with your Email you used when registering for UG CoachCafé januari 2021
Act fast, the earlier you request a seat the greater your chances of being seated
Go to your session and meet the others

Table 10 English/Dutch online
Host: José Van der Veen
21-01-2021 19:40 - 20:30
Available seats:  1
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Table 11 English/Dutch online
Host: Hoang Nguyen
21-01-2021 19:40 - 20:30
Available seats:  1
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Table 12 Dutch online
Host: Marit Van Mil
21-01-2021 19:40 - 20:30
Available seats:  1
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Table 15 English/Dutch online
Host: Silvia Huisman
21-01-2021 19:40 - 20:30
Available seats:  1
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Table 16 English/Dutch online
Host: Esther Haag
21-01-2021 19:40 - 20:30
Available seats:  1
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Table 18 Dutch online
Host: Harrianne ter Meer
21-01-2021 19:40 - 20:30
Available seats:  1
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Table 3 English/Dutch online
Host: Karin van der Meer
21-01-2021 19:40 - 20:30
Available seats:  1
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Table 6 English/Dutch online
Host: Mardi Bijleveld
21-01-2021 19:40 - 20:30
Available seats:  1
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Table 8 Dutch online
Host: Marrit Jansma
21-01-2021 19:40 - 20:30
Available seats:  1
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Table 1 Dutch online
Host: Jan Boon
21-01-2021 19:40 - 20:30
Table 14 English/Dutch online
Host: Reineke Kins
21-01-2021 19:40 - 20:30
Table 17 English/Dutch online
Host: Dicky Tamminga
21-01-2021 19:40 - 20:30
Table 5 English/Dutch online
Host: John Wiering
21-01-2021 19:40 - 20:30
Table 7 English/Dutch online
Host: Linda Bovenkamp, van den
21-01-2021 19:40 - 20:30
Table 9 English/Dutch online
Host: Jildou Spoelstra
21-01-2021 19:40 - 20:30
Table 10 English/Dutch online
Host: José Van der Veen
21-01-2021 20:45 - 21:30
Available seats:  1
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Table 11 English/Dutch online
Host: Hoang Nguyen
21-01-2021 20:45 - 21:30
Available seats:  1
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Table 16 English/Dutch online
Host: Esther Haag
21-01-2021 20:45 - 21:30
Available seats:  1
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Table 18 Dutch online
Host: Harrianne ter Meer
21-01-2021 20:45 - 21:30
Available seats:  1
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Table 3 English/Dutch online
Host: Karin van der Meer
21-01-2021 20:45 - 21:30
Available seats:  1
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Table 5 English/Dutch online
Host: John Wiering
21-01-2021 20:45 - 21:30
Available seats:  2
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Table 7 English/Dutch online
Host: Linda Bovenkamp, van den
21-01-2021 20:45 - 21:30
Available seats:  1
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Table 1 Dutch online
Host: Jan Boon
21-01-2021 20:45 - 21:30
Table 12 Dutch online
Host: Marit Van Mil
21-01-2021 20:45 - 21:30
Table 14 English/Dutch online
Host: Reineke Kins
21-01-2021 20:45 - 21:30
Table 15 English/Dutch online
Host: Silvia Huisman
21-01-2021 20:45 - 21:30
Table 17 English/Dutch online
Host: Dicky Tamminga
21-01-2021 20:45 - 21:30
Table 6 English/Dutch online
Host: Mardi Bijleveld
21-01-2021 20:45 - 21:30
Table 8 Dutch online
Host: Marrit Jansma
21-01-2021 20:45 - 21:30
Table 9 English/Dutch online
Host: Jildou Spoelstra
21-01-2021 20:45 - 21:30
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